Welcoming The New School Year 

January 12, 2024

Welcoming The New School Year 

 *Beginnings always have a wonderful taste ,as they are unique to the initial feelings that come from the first moments and one of the most beautiful beginnings is the beginning of the school year.

[At the beginning of the school year, all students ,teachers and administrators  go to school full of energy and enthusiasm ,carrying their great dreams and expectations.

Every teacher welcomes her/his students with a very nice smile and pleasure. So, every teacher does her/his best to choose many entertainment activities in order to help students to skip any fear.

The most important entertainment activities and thoughts are:

📚To Allocate the first class on the first school day  to get acquainted between the teacher and her/ his students ,then the teacher sets the classroom rules in order to facilitate dealing with these rules between the teacher and the students.

📚Organisation of Welcoming  party to celebrate with  students and their parents at the school playground ,this welcoming party makes students feel relaxed and safe.

📚the teacher introduces herself/ himself  and her/his  subject of specialism to her/ his students .The teacher should be kind and smiling .

📚The teacher should wear  a lovely cartoon’s  character ,playing and running joyfully with her/ his students.

 📚Distributing prizes and submitting  books to students  in a lovely way.

📚Decoration of the classrooms by colouring  some welcoming, encouraging phrases and some attractive, coloured pictures.

 📚Taking photos of the children ,holding  welcoming banner on the first  ,new school day of the year.

📚preparing a list of entertainment games that attract the students attention and discharge the stress  she/he feels on the first school day.

📚Doing  entertainment activities on the first  school day, these activities will build a positive ,beautiful relationship between the teacher and the students and bring  them closer.

_These are some tips that parents should take into account when preparing their children for the new school  year:

📗Preparing the child’s  basic needs like: school bag, uniform and  required tools to encourage  her/him to feel enthusiastic.

📗forming a positive, encouraging image of  the school to the child.

📗Going with the child on the first school day in order not to feel afraid.

📗You should keep your child getting used to take enough sleep and don’t go to bed late.

📗Arranging the child’s time and encouraging her/him to do tasks at the specific time.

_Finally ,we have learned how  should parents prepare their child for the new school year, and how the teacher should receive her/his students on the first school day.

We hope this article will be useful for you.

*Please, tell us about how do you receive your students and prepare your children for the new school day!.

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